Three Cheap Softwares for Knitting Design

When I first started designing my own patterns, I did a little research into how to design knitting patterns. It was overwhelming. I kept seeing recommendations for expensive Adobe software and other knitting design software that I didn’t know how to use.

But I was a lawyer, and I knew Microsoft Word inside and out—so that’s where I started. It’s the pattern template I still use today, four years later. Today, I’ve got three cheap knitting design software options for you.

Google Docs (Free ninety-nine, that is, $0, no cost, zip, zilch, nada)

If you’re looking to do a simple, streamlined pattern, Google Docs is all you really need. You can type up all the words, insert some tables, and include a few pictures. Google Docs isn’t as robust as Microsoft Word, but it has the significant advantage of being free free freeeeee.

Microsoft Word ($5 a month for web-only software, $12.50 a month for desktop apps)

Microsoft Word is still where I design my patterns, even after all these years. I find that with columns, tables, text wrapping around pictures, and the ability to insert headers and footers, Word is a flexible enough platform for my needs.

Canva (Free for basic features, $13 a month for add-ons like sweet graphics)

I mostly use Canva for creating graphics to go along with my posts and Instagram stories, but I have several designer friends who create their patterns using Canva. Canva has an easy-to-use interface that just involves dragging and dropping content boxes. If you’re new to things and want the simplest platform possible, Canva might be your best bet.

One last note: don’t let imposter syndrome derail you. You have an idea for a pattern, and you know how to write it up. All you need to do is figure out which platform to use. You can do this!

Learn more about designing knitting patterns on my blog. Plus, find helpful tips and tricks to improve your knitting, patterns, tutorials, and more.